Publication Policy

ELPR’s Publication Policy is in line with the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) guidelines on good publication practice.


The contribution accepted for publication and the copyright therein shall remain jointly with the contributor and the ELPR. Any person desiring to use the ELPR’s material for educational purposes, research, or private study can do so with the prior written permission of the Publisher, by emailing


All Author(s) by submitting any contribution towards ELPR hereby consent to indemnify and hold harmless NALSAR University of Law Hyderabad and ELPR against all claims, suits, and consequences based on any claim of copyright infringement/unauthorized use/violation of any right which may arise as a result of their contribution being published in ELPR.

Peer Review Policy

ELPR follows a tiered review process whereby papers are first reviewed by the Editorial Board, followed by a peer review process. Peer reviews are an integral part of ELPR’s publication cycle to ensure that the journal publishes quality content. We aspire to have reviews conducted by persons with domain expertise.

The peer review process is double-blind, that is, both the author(s) and reviewer remain anonymous to each other. The reviewer’s role is to assess the merits of the manuscript, and thereafter recommend to the editors whether the manuscript must be accepted, rejected, or conditionally accepted.

Conditional acceptance refers to the situation where the reviewer provides comments on the manuscript that need to be improved upon. Acceptance of the manuscript for publication is then conditional upon the recommended changes being incorporated.

Only submissions that clear the review process will be published. Exceptions may be made to the above rules for submissions that have been solicited by the Editorial Board.

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